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Pruitt, Sarah. “What Part of Africa Did Most Slaves Come from?”, A&E Television Networks, 3 May 2016,
Leaving Africa To The Bahamas
Slaves left different ports on the West African Coast. They left from Mali, Gombia, Guina - Bissau, Angola, Congo, Gabon and Democratic Republic of Congo. 12.5 million Africans left between the 17th and 18th century. One negative is how they transported them. They would put them under the boat and disease would spread. The food was bad, if they were given any. People were sleeping on one another and no one took a shower.
There were many Africans who were transported to The Americas and The Caribbean. Between 1650 & 1860, 15 million enslaved people were transported from West Africa to The Americas and The Caribbean. Consequently, the population in West Africa decreased.
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